Pro-Black, Pro-God into metaphysics? Love watching a good movie or show but are tired of subliminal attacks on your psyche? We’ve got you covered, below are some esoteric movies and shows to help keep you grounded and in a superhero mind set during the process of your own spiritual awakening. (Last Updated: 1/5/2023)
Recommended TV/Netflix shows:
(2015–) Robo Empath Ascension?
(2016-17) Mutant Aboriginals use spiritual power to resist their genocide
(2016-) Telekinesis / Alternate dimensions
(2011–) The darker side of humanity/technology (some LGBTQ and interracial agenda)
(2016– ) Cell Memory / Consciousness/ Gnosticism
(1997-1999) Dark and very raw cartoon with Black leads (also search for Spawn the movie)
(2005-2008) Esoteric children’s cartoon
(2015 ) Mind control (there is a sex scene of her with Black hero Luke Cage.. personally I didn’t mind but some may)
(2017 ) X-Men spin-off
(2016–2018) The subtleties of demonic possession. (mild gay agenda)
Recommended Movies:
(2018): Layers of our story told in Marvel form (the main agenda here IMO is them building him up to tear him down later by killing him off in later movies)
(1999): Gnosticism
(2003) Gnosticism
(1998): Gnosticism
(2011): Dark City (1998) clone… good tho
(2009) Vampirism (of the Soul)/ White’s feeding off the Indigenous
(1988) Demiurge / demonic impact over human life
(1991) Reclaiming your youthful spirit
(2020): Black American coming of age story… with horses who doesn’t love horses?
(2006) Note: foreign film/non-english
(2007) The Archangel Michael would never do that! But it is a good spin-off
(2011) A proper representation of Christ energy
(2011) Reincarnation / spiritual traveler metaphor
(2014) Reincarnation / spiritual traveler metaphor
(2017) About mind control / possession
Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter… and Spring
(2003) Note: English-Subs (slow start)
(2004) Cause and Effect/Dealing with the trauma of (child) abuse
(2016): Black American coming of age story mixed with superpowers… pretty dope.
(2005) Psychology of the Ego
(2000) Psychology of escapism and addiction
(1998) About being trapped in the Astral Realm
(2002) Alternative future action film with occult references
(2011) Film without words, for contemplation.
(2006) Alternative future action film with occult references
(2006) not so esoteric, more about magical work ethic & mind frame
Not Recommended
(Shows/Movies latent with agendas / Psychic Attacks)
Energetically agreeing or being sexually turned on even for a moment by the types of content below weakens our psychic defenses allowing demonic forces gradually gain access into your emotional body and psyche. Where the mind goes, the body follows . This is how social engineering against God’s will begins.
The LGBTQ agenda starts at the intro and if you can over look that.. it only gets worse with showing a Black women fucking white trans men with strap-on with really no reason to the plot other than to put it in your face. The filmmakers who produced the show formerly known as the Wachowski brothers are now the “Wachowski sisters.”
Watchmen (TV Series 2019– ) One of the most gripping and compelling opening scenes ever done depicts Black male lead character surviving as a boy during the 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre. After your invested in the Black lead Character they make you wait around till episode 6 only to see him (randomly and without a plot) emasculated in a gay interracial anal sex scene. Apparently according to Hollywood our heroes can’t get enough of white men, not even while married to Black women.
Joker (2019) The first half of the movie is trying to get you to empathize with the white guy that you don’t give a fuck about, a scraggly, scrawny no sex appeal having cracker who is mentally ill and probably demonically possessed. The only thing he has going for him is an awkward laugh. The only laugh I got was when they show him barging in to have sex with an Afro-Latina women he was stalking the day before who apparently had Stockholm syndrome.
There are barely any Black lead roles/Heroes in this list (then again this for Alchemy, not esteem/ego). If and when they show us as Heroes/Gods in the main stream, more often than not they have an agenda attached to it. For more on that you can listen to this brothers lecture.
Brother Panic: Hollywood’s Social Engineering, Ritual and Mind Control
As more and more Black producers and directors come out and own there own studios that’s changing. With that said, these are some of the best metaphysical/esoteric films and TV shows I’ve seen production wise so far that aren’t design specifically for social engineering, programing/spells and attacks on your mind.
Feel free to suggest esoteric films and shows you recommend in the comment section. For a list of upcoming “normal” Black films check out this blog: