Household Life hacks for
Empaths and Highly Sensitive People
Nothing can replace the comfort found in faith and a higher understanding of life. That said here are some life hacks that can help you on your path regardless of your beliefs and the science behind them.
- 1.) Replace Compact Fluorescent Light bulbs:
(Be careful when disposing of CFL bulbs as they contain mercury vapor)
- Educate yourself on lighting:
Not all LEDs are created the same some of them have a strobing effect (from poor circuitry) as seen in this video this strobing effect can lead to dizziness and even headaches.
Some people are opting for a return to incandescent bulbs, some of which are being banned. I’m still undecided on this topic but one thing is for sure CFL bulbs are out.
- 2.) Negative Ion Generator/Projectors:
Those of us who enjoy the beach are also enjoying the effects of Negative Ions.
The beach, in particular, can have as much as 2000 negative ions per cubic centimeter as opposed to a crowded city that may have less than 100. Studies have shown that negative ions possess not only an anti-microbial effect but also a mood-stabilizing one. Research seems to indicate that negative ions can influence serotonin levels in your brain. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that may have a role in mood disorders ranging from depression to seasonal affective disorder.
Below is a link to the unit I own. It’s almost dead silent. There are more powerful generators but at a higher price. For around $80 dollars this a good introductory unit to test the mood enhancing effects of negative ions in your home.
Their Amazon page:
Note: Some air purifiers have negative ion generators build in although I haven’t tried any yet a combo of both may be best.
- 3.) Light Therapy Lamps:
“Decreased sun exposure has been associated with a drop in your serotonin levels, which can lead to major depression with the seasonal pattern. The light-induced effects of serotonin are triggered by sunlight that goes in through the eye. Sunlight cues special areas in the retina, which triggers the release of serotonin. So, you’re more likely to experience this type of depression in the winter time, when the days are shorter.”
Due to this connection, one of the main treatments for depression with the seasonal pattern is light therapy, also known as phototherapy. You can get a light therapy box to have at home. The light from the box mimics natural sunlight that stimulates the brain to make serotonin and reduces excess melatonin.”
The unit I’ve used below. Note: make sure the unit you purchase is rated at 10,000 LUX
Purchase link:
- 4.) Earthing / Grounding Mats:
When its cool outside your not always able to go barefoot in the grass, even then most of us are almost never fully grounded and hold some EMF charge through our vessels. Earthing can also help reduce the harmful EMF effects of Wi-Fi, Cell Phone Radiation and Smart Meters. But if you’re highly electro-sensitive consider removing or disabling your Wi-Fi router and if your able opting away from the installation of a Smart Meter to your home.
Below is a video on the Schumann Resonance 7.83 hz (Earth’s healing pulse) and why being connected to it is key to our well being.
I own the one below, I recommend owning two one for your desk and one larger mat or earthing sheet for your bed.
Purchase link:
- 5.) Houseplants:
Houseplants are awesome indoor air cleaners, but some of them are more effective than others at filtering out pollutants and toxic chemicals in the air. This infographic highlights the best air-filtering plants, according to a NASA study.
NASA Clean Air Study
Get yourself a Peace lily they’re beautiful, blossoming and low maintenance! One plant per 100 square feet recommended.
- 6.) Orgonite / Orgone Energy:
Look into the suppressed science of Wilhelm Reich:
I’d advise you make sure they include Black Tourmaline or other black protection stones at least if it’s your first or only orgonite piece. As well as copper wire wrapped Quarts (gold flakes are a nice touch too). I’ve also found orgonite worn on the body to be more powerful than just stones / crystals alone.
Purchase link:
- 7.) Electric Massagers:
Being an Empath can make you tense. There are many types of massagers, massagers for the feet, for the back, for the neck and even full body (for a price). I personally have issues more so in my lower back and stomach area (solar plexus chakra). So I opted to for this bad boy right here:
Massage is generally considered part of complementary and integrative medicine. It’s increasingly being offered along with standard treatment for a wide range of medical conditions and situations.
Studies of the benefits of massage demonstrate that it is an effective treatment for reducing stress, pain and muscle tension.
While more research is needed to confirm the benefits of massage, some studies have found massage may also be helpful for:
- Anxiety
- Digestive disorders
- Fibromyalgia
- Headaches
I personally own these items/products and use or experience them on a daily basis. Each help boosts your mood and raise your vibration a bit in its own way. When added up with proper diet, exercise and meditation the results can be significant. Feel free to give your input or suggestions in the comment section below.
Wishing you the best on your ascension journey!