Social media like the mind will not discipline itself. You must take action to refocus your attention and break from the cycles of needless external stimuli, addictions and victimhood to reconnect with your own inner power. That said if you’re a hermit like myself, but still love connecting with fellow like minds and hearts. Here are some steps you can take that will enable you to fully re-enjoy social media again on your own terms.
1.) Unfollow everyone’s personal page.
Unless they are at a heightened state of spiritual awareness or you can learn from them, unfollow them. If the mundane acts of your “friends” day to day lives bring you joy. They also carry the potential to bring you sorrow. If they are really your “friends” they will call or text you if they need you. Social media has become a hive mind for vain, insecure and attention-seeking people. I personally unfollow everyone as soon as I see their first post pop-up on my timeline and I mean everyone. You can always visit their individual pages if you’re wondering how they’re doing.
2.) Join or create groups of sincere like minds.
Well, you say if I unfollow everyone what’s the point of being on social media. I would ask you well what’s is the point of life? To know yourself and to know God. At some point in that journey, you realize that not everyone is deserving to be part of your life or have your life energy lent to them. So join or create groups of sincere like minds with high standards that are well moderated. The company you keep is important offline and online. I’ve created a group/platform and that is my main reason for using social media now. Because at some point I realized almost nobody really cared about or understood what I was posting about on my main page. And I, (as I’m sure all of us do) like to be around people who understand and can appreciate what I have to say, share or express.
You can apply for our Facebook group via this link:
3.) Remove all disturbing news outlets or accounts from your social media.
There is a time and a purpose for everything. That means there is a time and a purpose to see police shootings or other white supremacist actions daily. Pain is necessary for enlightenment, but when you’ve learned what you need to learn from that pain. At some point, you learn to fall back on your faith as it’s their path and there’s nothing you can do about it. Other than to soak up their pain thereby avoiding your own.
If you’re on Facebook I recommend installing a browser plugin called “Facebook Purity“, it removes things like news feeds, group suggestions and more.
If you’re on Youtube, either take the time to unfollow the Youtube channels that no longer vibrationally serve you or create a new account. Then if you must, only ingest news which has been filtered from vetted non-fear based or emotional imbalanced persons or sources.
4.) Don’t start your day off with social media.
Go for a walk, if it’s cold out take a shower and listen to some music or do a routine you enjoy first. Don’t start your day off with a possibly stressful, annoying or enraging topic until your first calm and centered. Social media should empower you, stimulate you and aid in your inner work not divert energy away from you or that focus.
Ama Chandra
October 6, 2019 at 11:44 pm
Unfollow everyone….. It makes me feel anxious. Although I think it will free up my life. Im thinking it's my ego and my rational mind is trying to save it lol. But when I breathe into the idea of this it's such a strong yes… I appreciate this post