In Psychology, there is a technique called “Exposure Therapy.” It involves the exposure of the patient to a feared object or experience in a controlled environment without any danger in order to overcome it. Meditation correlates similarly to this process, except you use your imagination, thoughts, emotions, heart and mind to create the experience, along with the breath to open and control the nervous system. Bridging thoughts, emotions, together creates the self-induced episodic relapse necessary to conjure emotions to be faced and conquered through breathing and self-awareness. Ultimately, to have heart, mind and breath operate as one self-aware constantly refining unit, for the strengthening of the will and the purification of the spirit. Everything in this world has an opposite polarity (good/evil, joy/sorrow, pleasure/pain, truth/falsehood, etc.) including your physical being, your emotions, and your spirit.
“As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.” – Proverbs 23:7
You’ll attract, create and experience only what your heart’s contents can conceive. When falsehood is gone from your heart, it will also be gone from your human experience. This is possible, but you have to be dedicated to the process of transmutation above all things. Transmutation or (Spiritual) Alchemy in this context could be described as incinerating falsehood within you, via fires of your passion, fueled by the breath, until nothing but the truth within you remains.
The soul… the true you (the seed of God in you) is found in the heart and is trapped via the nervous system, which has been gripped by the vibration of fear due to the programming of the matrix shell. The body (or shell) like all animals, is built upon the first law of nature… survival, also known as fear. You through mindfulness must reprogram the shell to serve the Soul’s will or God’s will (God’s law) which is love (or the golden rule). The breath aids in this process of reprogramming through the expansion and purification of the nervous system, the pathways of the Soul’s light within you.
Google: Kundalini (Kundalini Fire)
I won’t instruct you on how long to breathe, just that it should be deep when possible and with the intention to destroy vibrations of falsehood within (I like to imagine burning roots). I will however, make you aware of this one point; by holding (withholding) your breath during meditation, you deny the grip that negative emotions/spirit has over your nervous system/vessel, by threatening the existence of its life within you at the cost of your own life/breath (to pass on/pass out). This is how you regain control over your being. It is this fight (or internal struggle) for control of your earthly vessel that begins to strengthen your will, your spirit and eventually your faith in the power of God (the force of love) within you. You already know how to do this naturally, even a child will hold its breath when upset or scared. Since you were already born with these skills, my advice is to just start. Do not let the ego (the real devil) stall you or keep you from fighting for your inner-peace and inner-freedom, it is your birthright… start today! Is your life not worth fighting for?
I began by taking walks, some people do Yoga but ultimately you should be able to connect heart, mind, and breath (nervous system) while sitting or lying still. Once you are aware of how thoughts/energies have influence over you, you can begin to delve into the correlating emotions that make them real to you (which have a hold on you) and face them head-on within you. You can’t talk, think, act or financially earn your way into peace. Earthly goals, wants and attachments that you perceive to be better than your current circumstance, may satisfy a sense of pride or achievement and provide hope (the will to go on). Even then, the ego can never be satisfied and eventually it will crave more earthly goals, wants and attachments (possibly to satisfy the ones you’ve already created). Through giving into earthly desires or attachments, you can potentially lose yourself, your true self and your soul’s calling in the process.
Meditation should not be used to escape the ills of your human experience. You shouldn’t, for example, meditate to imagine yourself on some tropical island paradise. As you’ve already came from Heaven, and if it was your will to experience pure bliss, complete utter peace and boundless love, you would have remained there. You’re here to be stronger, to be wiser and through your suffering to appreciate the love that you once had and that you will have again if it’s your will to endure.
True peace/stillness (mind, body, and spirit) is permanent, unwavering and is only achieved through the transmutation of pain and a higher understanding of life, God and faith experienced as a result. I would argue that only one human being will ever fully achieve this state of consciousness. That is why most (and eventually all) people find peace through submission/surrender to the will of a higher power through a being who brings true and everlasting peace.
Mathew 24:9-13: “Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name’s sake. And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another. And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many. And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.”
June 22, 2020 at 4:24 pm
What you have written I've received as true wisdom. Thank you.
Bro. Luis
June 22, 2020 at 8:48 pm
It takes the light to see the light, thank you for your comment Gerry.